Privacy Policy

Last Modified: 02/1/2024

Specific Disclosure
By registering, you agree to our terms of service and privacy notice. In addition, you authorize us to share your information with the event creator who is using this Site to create events for consumers (“Organizer”).

Privacy Notice

This site is operated by Advisors Excel, LLC and is referred to in these terms as “we” and “us.”
When we use the term “Organizer” we mean event creators using our Site to create events for consumers. When a user inputs their information via a web form or other collection technology pursuant to an offer, activity, or event sponsored by an Organizer, we are not the controller of this collection as we do not determine what is collected, the purpose of collection, and the sharing of this information. Please review the Organizer’s privacy policies and practices before providing your personal information.

Personal Data We Collect

Information you provide to us: We collect your personal information when you voluntarily provide such information to us, such as contacting us with inquiries, or respond to one of our surveys. The personal information we may collect includes your name, address, email address, and any other information that you choose to provide.
Information we automatically collect: We also automatically collect certain technical data that is sent to us from the computer, mobile device and/or browser through which you access our Site (“Automatic Data”). Automatic Data includes your IP address or other unique identifier, characteristics about your device and/or browser, statistics on your activities on this Site, information about how you came to our Site, and data collected through Cookies, Pixels, and other similar technology. This may include information about your browsing behavior, page visits, clicks, and searches on our sites. To modify your sharing of this information, please visit our “Manage Cookie Consent” banner at the bottom of this site.

How We Use Your Personal Data
Specific Reason: If you provide your personal information for a certain purpose, we may use the personal information in connection with the purpose for which it was provided. For instance, if you contact us regarding an issue, we will respond to your request using the contact information from which it came.
Internal Business Purposes: We may use your personal information for internal business purposes, including to help us improve the content and functionality of our site and services, to better understand users on our site, to improve our site and services, to protect against, identify, and remedy wrongdoing, to enforce our Terms of Service, to manage your account and provide you with customer service, and to generally manage our business.

How We Disclose and Transfer Your Personal Data
Some interpretations of the California Consumer Privacy Act take the position that when a website uses third parties’ cookies or similar technology for its own analytics or advertising purposes the website has engaged in a “sale.” We do not share your information unless you have specifically accepted this sharing via the Cookie Consent banner at the bottom of our site and you are free to withdraw this consent at any time by selecting “Manage Cookie Consent” in this banner.

Parent Companies, Subsidiaries and Affiliates
We may share your personal information with our parent companies, subsidiaries and/or affiliates for purposes consistent with this notice.

Agents, Consultants, and Service Providers
We may share your personal information with our contractors and service providers who process personal information on our behalf to perform business-related functions.

In addition, when you register for an event, sign up for communications, enter a contest, or otherwise input your personal information (such as through a web form) to communicate with an Organizer or participate in an Organizer event, that Organizer will receive that information. For example, if you input your name and email address into a web form for an Organizer offer, activity, or event, the Organizer will receive that information. The Organizer may then send you marketing or other communications, which may be subject to its own, separate privacy policy.
We are not responsible for the actions of these Organizers with respect to your personal information. It is important that you review the applicable policies of the Organizers of an event before providing personal information or other information in connection with that event.

Legal Requirements
We may disclose your personal information if required to do so by law. We may also disclose under our reasonable belief of legal or ethical requirements, for example, to:
- respond to a subpoena or request from law enforcement, a court or a government agency;
- in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, protect or defend our rights, interests, or property;
- prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with our site or services;
- act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of our employees or the public; or
- protect against legal liability.

We allow Organizers to use our email tools to contact you, so you may receive emails from us that originate with such Organizers. If you register for an event on the Site, your email address is made available to that Organizer. However, Organizers may also upload email addresses they have collected from external sources and send communications through us and we will email these individuals on the behalf of the Organizer. The Organizer is responsible for sending these emails.

Sensitive Personal Information and Children
We do not collect sensitive personal information from web visitors. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of eighteen (18). If you are under the age of eighteen (18), do not submit any personal information through our services.

Data Retention
Advisors Excel retains personal information for a period that is reasonably necessary and proportionate to achieve the purpose, such as:

  • Providing services or products to you;
  • Making data-driven business decisions;
  • Complying with our legal obligations, such as retention periods required by law, regulation, or professional standards; and
  • Resolving disputes and establishing, exercising, or defending our legal rights or the rights of employees, agents, and/or financial advisors.

Updates or Amendments to this Notice
We reserve the right to update or amend this Notice from time to time and any such updates or amendments will be reflected in the Notice available on our website.

Contact Information
To ask questions or comment about this privacy notice and our privacy practices, contact us at or (866) 363-9595.


Acting as a “Service Provider”
If you register for an event as a consumer, we will process your personal information to help administer that event on behalf of the Organizer and to help the Organizer target, and understand the success of, their event and event planning. In these circumstances, we merely provide the tools for Organizers; we do not decide what personal information to request on registration forms, nor are we responsible for the continued accuracy of any personal information provided. Any questions that you may have relating to your personal information and your rights under California law should therefore be directed to the Organizer as the business, not to us.

Your Privacy Rights
California provides California Consumers with certain data rights with respect to the personal information covered by the CCPA that businesses collect. You may exercise any of the listed data rights (subject to certain exceptions and limitations), by notifying us via email or postal mail.
You have a right to know:

  • The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you;
  • The categories of personal information we have collected about you;
  • The categories of sources from which your personal information is collected;
  • The categories of personal information that we have disclosed for a business purpose about you;
  • The categories of third parties to whom personal information was disclosed for a business purpose; and
  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting personal information.

You also have the right to “Request to Delete” your personal information. You may request that we delete personal information about you that we have collected from you (unless an exception applies or deletion is otherwise restricted or prohibited by law, rule, or regulation.) However, if you have inputted your personal information into an Organizer’s web form, you understand that event if we delete your personal data upon your request or pursuant to this notice, your personal information may still be available in the Organizer’s own databases if transmitted to the Organizer prior to us receiving or taking action on any deletion activity.
You also have the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal information that we may have. You also have the right to limit the use of your sensitive information, if applicable. You also have the right to opt out of sharing for cross-context behavioral advertising purposes.
We do not discriminate against any California Consumer for exercising their rights.

Authorized Agents
If you want to make a request as an authorized agent on behalf of a California resident, you may use the submission methods noted above. As part of our verification process, we may request that you provide, as applicable:

  • Proof of your registration with the California Secretary of State to conduct business in California;
  • A power of attorney from the California resident pursuant to Probate Code sections 4000-4465;
  • Written permission that the California resident has authorized you to make a request on the resident’s behalf. This permission must be signed (via physical or e-signature) by the California resident.

If you are making a request on behalf of a California resident and have not provided us with a power of attorney from the resident pursuant to Probate Code sections 4000-4465, we may also require the resident to:

  • Provide you with written permission signed by the resident to make the request on the resident’s behalf;
  • Verify the resident’s own identity directly with us;
  • Directly confirm with us that the resident provided you permission to submit the request.

Instructions for Exercising your California Rights
You may notify us of your intent to exercise your rights, or to exercise another’s rights as an authorized agent, by (1) submitting a request via a web form located here, (2) sending an email to, or (3) by mailing a request to our home office:

Advisors Excel
Attn: Privacy
2950 SW McClure Rd.
Topeka, KS 66614
You may also call us toll-free at (866) 363-9595.

Once we receive your request, we will initiate a verification process to confirm your identity. We may ask you to provide additional information to verify your identity for security or fraud-prevention purposes. In cases where additional information is required and we are unable to contact you with the contact information you have provided or are otherwise unable to sufficiently verify your identity, we may be unable to respond to your request.

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